Article archive

Comparing the Various Mobile Development Frameworks

11/03/2015 13:24
A steady increase is being noted in the number of enterprises investing in mobile app development. The objective of mobile development projects, however, varies from one business to another. But each business wants to make its mobile app popular by optimizing user experience. The mobile development...

Biggest challenges that developers face in Android platform

17/02/2015 13:18
With every passing day, users are leaning towards portable computer machines like smart phones and tablets; because, industry understands the importance of efficiency and user friendly over hardware size. So, there is a tremendous growth in the hand held computer devices in recent period and the...

Why has Android Lollipop not been popular

04/02/2015 12:23
Android developers are always having a special appearance in the IT industry; because, they get support from Google in the form of various Operating system versions and devices. Since Google’s Android operating system’s inception, it has always come up with new and attractive concepts for the...

iOS development - Is it being ignored?

25/12/2014 16:41
Smart Phones and tablets have gained an overnight growth throughout the globe. If we say these smart phones replaced the old age desktop computers then it will not be an overstatement. Because all that we can perform in a desktop computer can also be done using this small portable handheld device....

Android Development Tips for Faster and Better Performance

17/12/2014 13:41
One of the trickiest as well as the most alarming problems that are faced while micro-optimization of Android app is that the app is designed to run on various types of hardware. Various versions of these applications run on various processors, which again run at different speeds. There are two...

What does it take to develop a killer iOS app?

21/10/2014 12:45
Building a killer iOS app is no child’s play. For almost all the developers submitting an app for Apple approval is quite worrying. As a developer you might have followed the guidelines closely and conquered all the field tests, yet at the last moment Apple can reject your app for a certain reason....

Features of iOS 8 that Developers Should Be Aware of

30/09/2014 12:35
iOS 8, the latest OS version of iPad or iPhone from Apple have finally come up and have instantaneously captured the market with a lot of buzz. If the feedbacks that have already gathered in the forums as well as message boards are to be believed, this version has striking similarities with the...

iOS 8 Launching Soon. What’s new in store?

16/09/2014 12:29
The latest as well as the most eagerly awaited version of Apple Inc, iOS version 8 was finally launched in the month of June. The operating system was launched along with its beta version. However, the full version of the OS is going to be launched soon when it will be available for public...

Skills required for today's Successful Mobile App Developers

09/09/2014 12:59
The overwhelming popularity of mobile apps has many developers jostling for space in the app development industry. The profession has become really lucrative which has attracted many people but all of those people who enter the industry are not guaranteed successes. In order to capitalize this...

Android for Your Enterprise - Is It A Good Option?

04/09/2014 16:05
The present era, which is known as the post PC era is largely dominated by Android. Such has been the impact of its popularity that more than 3,00,000 Android based devices are being activated all over the world every day. The most important factor is that it works quite well in collaboration with...
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