How Swift offers the best of features of other languages ?

01/08/2014 18:26

iphone software developmentApple's latest Swift programming language derived most of its features from a broad sample of scripting & programming languages, due to which iOS & OS X developers are enjoying it. On an InfoWorld slideshow, Peter Wayner digs up 10 features which make Swift very good such as data structure declarations, tuples, signed & unsigned integers, as well as, closures. In addition, he explains the source & progress of the features in previous languages such as JavaScript, Haskell, C#, Python, & Java. Apple's latest programming language upgrades iOS development through creating excellent ideas created anywhere else. Swift could technically be "new," according to the Swift documentation, Swift is just like a bunch of top concepts used in different programming languages, brought introduced with a new name.


Dictionaries is from the JavaScript - JavaScript developers have long and used square brackets to take an integer like a typical array or take a string which therefore responds like hash table. At present Swift programmers could do the same. Apple names the hash tables as "Dictionaries" and provides a clean syntax in initializing them. Inferred data types are from the functional programming languages - In todays programming, nobody wants to spend keystrokes indicating data types for each variable. Nowadays various well compilers began inferring types through the data, that is generally simple enough in case a variable is initialized. It started with a few functional languages, such as ML, and appeared in Haskell, Scala, & Opa, among others. Due to Swift, iOS developers may now save some keystrokes. Data structure declarations is from C# and the Java - Java launched Generic types with Version 5 so that programmers can notify the compiler which of the data type would be moved to the HashMaps, Arrays, or to the Collections. The greater-than & less-than signs, aka angle brackets, mentioned exactly what types will pushed inside. Microsoft included those to C#. At present it will be Swift's move to allow programmers notify the compiler what to anticipate.


String templating is from Cold Fusion, JSP, & the others - Lot of programming tools provide methods to insert a variable's value to a template. Web tools like Cold Fusion & Java Server Pages have offered an easy option to mix data to HTML with templates. Swift features a sleek templating system with the escaped open parentheses, with the expression to evaluate, with a closed parentheses. 3 additional characters would be the smallest amount of keystrokes required to provide this function. Optional semicolons is from JavaScript and the Python - Some JavaScript & Python programmers in past couple of years, have discussed if semicolons are really optional. Is a semicolon essential or just a good form? Swift weighs in certainly into the discussion: Semicolons are actually optional at end of the lines. If you'd like to pack several expressions within the same line, you may need a semicolon, however in case you place them to individual lines, you don't have to wear out right pinkie tapping the semicolon key. Protocols (aka interfaces) is from the Java and the C# - While programmers make elaborate object-oriented class structures in the Java & C#, they usually start with an interface in the foundation. Interface is usually a basic class which defines structure for any of the functions which the classes need to provide as long as they like to fit the definition. Swift having the term "protocol" in sketching out the blueprint for the collection of classes.


Tuples is from Lisp & Python - Early languages such as Lisp believed that everything had been a list or perhaps a tuple, but more advanced languages such as Python provide explicit syntax for the matching within the N value delivered from the method using the N variables which will be bound to them. Swift pursue with this tradition. Automatic reference (akin to garbage collection) is from Java, C#, and (gasp) Objective-C - Previous reports suggested that the Swift had been sporting garbage collection, those of automatic routines which sweep by memory reclaiming bytes no more being used. Java & C# programmers enjoy garbage collection, at least until it leads to their machine towards freeze up for a moment. Swift having automatic reference counting, an identical solution that has been used often by Objective-C users. Signed and unsigned integers is from C# and Objective-C - Swift comes with signed & unsigned integers that are with 1, 2, 4, & 8 bytes exactly like Objective. Closures is from Lisp & Scheme via JavaScript - JavaScript programmers picked up closures from the languages such as Lisp & Scheme which completely developed the concept of Lambda functions. Swift at present presents closures and ability to pass on functions like first-class objects.You can get in touch with a iphone app development company who can help you develop apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


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